
Funding Detail

The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the NSTC is calling for proposals to establish a functional MRI and shared service program
Expiration Date: 2024/07/09
Time: 17:00

1. The online application deadline for Academia Sinica is 17:00 9, July 2024.

 2. Applicants are required to submit the signed document "NSTC_Key Researchers Survey and
     Exclusive Authorization Technology List" to Ms. Chu by 12:00 noon on July 4, 2024, either
     in paper form or via email (

3. Please refer to the attachment or the NSTC website for more information.

4. NSTC Contact:
    Ms. Hong, (02) 2737-7552,
    System servers: 0800-212-058, (02)27377590~92.

