Dr. Tarn, Woan-Yuh 's publons link picture


  • 02-27899015 (Lab) (Room No: N223)
  • 02-26523052
  • 02-27829142 (Fax)



  1. long non-coding RNA in DNA damage repair
  2. mRNA translation in immune surveillance
  3. alternative splicing in brain development

Education and Positions:
  • Ph.D. National Tsing Hua University
    Postdoc Assoc. Yale University

Dr. Tarn, Woan-Yuh 's

期刊 85 專書 5

  1. Tsai YY, Su CH, Tarn WY* p53 Activation in Genetic Disorders: Different Routes to the Same Destination.. International journal of molecular sciences 22(17), 9307 (2021-08) [JCR] [WOS]
  2. Ko SH, Huang LM*, Tarn WY* The Host Heat Shock Protein MRJ/DNAJB6 Modulates Virus Infection.. Frontiers in microbiology 10, 2885 (2019-12) [JCR] [WOS]
  3. Chen HH, Tarn WY* uORF-mediated translational control: recently elucidated mechanisms and implications in cancer.. RNA biology 16(10), 1327-1338 (2019-10) [JCR] [WOS]
  4. Ko, S.-H., Liau, Y.-J., Chi, Y.-H., Lai, M.-J., Chiang, Y.-P., Lu, C.-Y., Chang, L.-Y., Tarn, W.-Y.*, and Huang, L.-M.* Interference of DNAJB6/MRJ isoform switch by morpholino inhibits replication of HIV-1 and RSV.. MOLECULAR THERAPY-NUCLEIC ACIDS 14, 251-261 (2019-03) [JCR] [WOS]
  5. Chuang, T.-W., Lu, C.-C., Su, C.-H., Wu, P.-Y., Easwvaran S., Lee, C.-C., Kuo, H.-C., Hung, K.-Y., Lee, K.-M., Tsai, C.-Y., and Tarn, W.-Y.* The RNA processing factor Y14 participates in DNA damage response and repair.. iScience 13, 402-415 (2019-03) [JCR] [WOS]
  6. Ku, Y.-C., Lai, M.-H., Lo, C.-C., Cheng, Y.-C., Qiu, J.-T., Tarn, W.-Y., Lai, M.-C. DDX3 participates in translational control of inflammation induced by infections and injuries.. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 39, pii: e00285-18 (2018-12) [JCR] [WOS]
  7. Chen, H.-H., Yu, H.-I., Yang, M.-H., Tarn, W.-Y.* DDX3 activates CBC-eIF3-mediated translation of uORF-containing oncogenic mRNAs to promote metastasis in HNSCC. CANCER RESEARCH 78, 4512-4523 (2018-08) [JCR] [WOS]
  8. D, D., Hung, K.-Y., and Tarn, W.-Y.* RBM4 modulates radial migration via alternative splicing of Dab1 during cortex development.. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 38, e00007-18 (2018-05) [JCR] [WOS]
  9. Su, C.-H., Dhananjaya, D., and Tarn, W.-Y.* Alternative splicing in neurogenesis and brain development.. Frontiers in molecular biosciences 5, 12 (2018-02) [JCR] [WOS]
  10. Lu Chia-Chen, Lee Chi-Chieh, Tseng Ching-Tzu, Tarn Woan-Yuh Y14 governs p53 expression and modulates DNA damage sensitivity. Scientific Reports 7, 45558 (2017-03) [JCR] [WOS]