核酸定序設施 DNA Sequencing

服務說明詳情 Service Detail

Sample Submission Guidelines for human cell line authentication

1. 樣品類型

接受細胞樣品及DNA樣品作為鑑定材料,所有樣品需裝於1.5 mL 離心管中遞交。本服務僅接受人類細胞株。

  • 1.1 細胞樣品
    • 細胞數量:每份樣品需提供1x10⁶ ~ 5x10⁶ 細胞。
    • 樣品準備方式:
      • 貼附型細胞:
        1. 使用Trypsin剝離細胞,計數後取適量細胞。
        2. 以1500 rpm 離心 5 分鐘,形成細胞沉澱並去除上清液。
        3. 使用PBS 緩衝液清洗細胞,再次離心後移除上清液,僅留細胞沉澱送驗。
      • 懸浮型細胞:
        1. 收集細胞並計數,取適量細胞。
        2. 使用PBS 緩衝液清洗細胞,離心後移除上清液,僅留細胞沉澱送驗。
  • 1.2 DNA樣品
    • 濃度要求:最低濃度為10 ng/µL,建議濃度為50~100 ng/µL以達最佳效果。
    • 體積要求:無論濃度,樣品體積至少需10 µL。

2. 注意事項

  • 冷凍保存的細胞相比於新鮮培養細胞,可能導致結果品質較低。
  • 若為病毒細胞株,需提前提取 DNA再進行送樣。病毒細胞沉澱物不予受理。
  • 本服務僅接受人類細胞株。

1. Sample Types

We accept cell samples and DNA samples for authentication. All samples must be submitted in a 1.5 mL microfuge tube. Only human cell lines are accepted.

  • 1.1 Cell Samples
    • Quantity: Provide 1x10⁶ ~ 5x10⁶ cells per sample.
    • Preparation:
      • Adherent Cells:
        1. Detach cells using Trypsin and count them.
        2. Centrifuge at 1500 rpm for 5 minutes to pellet the cells, then remove the supernatant.
        3. Wash cells with PBS, centrifuge again, and remove the supernatant. Submit the cell pellet.
      • Suspension Cells:
        1. Collect and count the cells.
        2. Wash cells with PBS, centrifuge, and remove the supernatant. Submit the cell pellet.
  • 1.2 DNA Samples
    • Concentration: Minimum 10 ng/µL; recommended 50~100 ng/µL for optimal results.
    • Volume: Submit at least 10 µL, regardless of concentration.


  • Cryopreserved cells may yield lower-quality results compared to freshly cultured cells.
  • For virus cell lines, DNA must be extracted prior to submission. Virus cell pellets are not accepted.
  • Only human cell lines are accepted for this service.