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August / September in Taiwan is summer and can be sunny or cloudy/rainy. The average temperature is 77 degrees Fahrenheit. |
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The currency in Taiwan is New Taiwan dollar. Please check your local bank or a currency exchange rate website for the right exchange rates. Certain hotels in Taiwan are also available for exchanging currencies. |
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Visa, MasterCard and American Express are commonly accepted in stores. |
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Taiwan operates on 110V 60Hz electric current. 2-hole flat blades are most commonly used. Flat blades with round grounding pin can also be seen. Visitors are encouraged to bring voltage converters or transformers if necessary. |
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In case of Emergency, dial 110 or 119. You do not need to pay for the call. |
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Traditionally, Taiwanese food relies on meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits. |
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Some meals are included with the registration fee. |
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People with special dietary needs should indicate such needs upon registration. |
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English is the official Symposium language. |
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Official Languages in Taiwan: Mandarin and Taiwanese. |
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To qualify for the student rate, you must upload a proof of student status (a dated letter from your supervisor). |
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Sightseeing will be offered for a fee. |