Dr. Hsu, Ching-Lung 's publons link picture


  • 2789-9130 (Lab) (Room No: R315)
  • 2652-3909 (Office)


Synaptic transmission and plasticity
Ion channels
Dendritic integration
In-vitro and in-vivo patch-clamp recording
Computational modeling

Education and Positions:


我的研究主題環繞著神經科學中的一個基本問題:細胞的性質如何支持複雜、快速而變化多端的神經網路、行為層次上的特性?能以一個個細胞的活動解釋大腦的運作,是腦科學領域的一個理性之夢,需要整合分子、細胞、迴路、行為層次的各種研究策略與洞見,非一人一夕能完成。隨著多年的知識積累與科技發展,我們正迎來這樣一個令人興奮的時代。著眼於人腦認知瞬息萬變的能力,我的實驗室以對環境空間的動態認知 (dynamic spatial cognition)為主題,類似GPS、與記憶息息相關的小鼠海馬迴 (hippocampus)為模式系統,結合腦薄片或清醒、活體單細胞電生理記錄 (patch-clamp recording)、小鼠行為與虛擬實境 (virtual reality)、病毒神經迴路分析 (virus-assisted neural tracing)、電腦數值建模,並發展突觸層級解析度 (synaptic resolution) 的高速雙光子影像方法。我們的團隊想探討:神經細胞豐富多變的電生理與生物物理學特性,與細胞網路中連結的方式與變化,如何成為更高層次運算 (neural computation)的物質基礎?我們能否得到神經元整合電訊息的詳細圖譜 (single-neuron mapping of input-output transformation)?


1. 具細胞類型特異性 (cell-type specificity)之空間記憶相關海馬迴網路結構分析

2. 本體感覺訊息 (proprioceptive information)與大腦空間導航 (spatial navigation)系統之整合與機制

3. 觸發大腦高維度空間編碼 (spatial coding)之突觸可塑性的分子機制與運算規則

Our Team
Team photo

期刊 9 專書 0

  1. Zhao X, (Hsu CL), Spruston N Rapid synaptic plasticity contributes to a learned conjunctive code of position and choice-related information in the hippocampus NEURON 110, 1-13 (2022-01-05) [JCR] [WOS]
  2. Wu J, Liang Y, Chen S, (Hsu CL), Chavarha M, Evans SW, Shi D, Lin MZ, Tsia KK, Ji N Kilohertz two-photon fluorescence microscopy imaging of neural activity in vivo NATURE METHODS 17, 287-290 (2020-03-02) [JCR] [WOS]
  3. Piccolo FM, Liu Z, Dong P, (Hsu CL), Stoyanova EI, Rao A, Tjian R, Heintz N MeCP2 nuclear dynamics in live neurons results from low and high affinity chromatin interactions ELIFE 8: e51449 (2019-12-23) [JCR] [WOS]
  4. Jin DZ, Zhao T, Hunt DL, Tillage RP, (Hsu CL), Spruston N ShuTu: Open-source software for efficient and accurate reconstruction of dendritic morphology FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS 13: 68 (2019-10-31) [JCR] [WOS]
  5. (Hsu CL), Zhao X, Milstein AD, Spruston N Persistent sodium current mediates the steep voltage dependence of spatial coding in hippocampal pyramidal neurons NEURON 99(1), 147-162 (2018-06-14) [JCR] [WOS]
  6. Kim Y, (Hsu CL), Cembrowski M, Mensh B, Spruston N Dendritic sodium spikes are required for long-term potentiation at distal synapses on hippocampal pyramidal neurons ELIFE 4: e06414 (2015-08-06) [JCR] [WOS]
  7. (Hsu CL)*, Yang HW, Yen CT, Min MY* A requirement of low-threshold calcium spike for induction of spike-timing-dependent plasticity at corticothalamic synapses on relay neurons in the ventrobasal nucleus of rat thalamus CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 55(6), 380-389 (2012-12-31) [JCR] [WOS]
  8. (Hsu CL), Yang HW, Yen CT, Min MY Comparison of synaptic transmission and plasticity between sensory and cortical synapses on relay neurons in the ventrobasal nucleus of the rat thalamus JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 588(22), 4347-4363 (2010-11-15) [JCR] [WOS]
  9. Min MY, Wu YW, Shih PY, Lu HW, Wu Y, (Hsu CL), Li MJ, Yang HW Role of A-type potassium currents in tuning spike frequency and integrating synaptic transmission in noradrenergic neurons of the A7 catecholamine cell group in rats NEUROSCIENCE 168(3), 633-645 (2010-07-14) [JCR] [WOS]

- 研究助理 -
Liao, Wan-Ting
Liu, Benjamin
Chen, Ching-Tsuey