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  • 2789-9097 (Lab) (Room No: N401)
  • 2652-3966 (Office)

  • Human T cell biology, virus-specific memory T cells
  • Highly multiplexed combinatorial pMHC tetramer staining
  • Single-cell multi-omics
  • T cell receptor
  • High-dimensional data analysis

Education and Positions:
  • M.Sc., University College London
    Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University – A*STAR joint program
    Postdoc Fellow, Singapore Immunology Network, A*STAR
    Senior Research Scientist, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Highlight Detail

Categorical Analysis of Human T Cell Heterogeneity with One-Dimensional Soli-Expression by Nonlinear Stochastic Embedding.

Dr. Cheng, Yang
J Immunol., Jan 15, 2016

Rapid progress in single-cell analysis methods allow for exploration of cellular diversity at unprecedented depth and throughput. Visualizing and understanding these large, high-dimensional datasets poses a major analytical challenge.