Conferences Detail


2018 Symposium of Newly Elected Academicians

Date: 06/29 (Fri.) - 06/29 (Fri.)
Time: 09:30 - 14:30
Place: B1C Lecture Room, IBMS

議程 / Agenda


09:30-09:40     劉扶東副院長致詞   


Opening remarks by Vice President Fu-Tong Liu


09:40-10:25   陳鈴津    Alice Lin-Tsing Yu

Cancer Cells Cast a Sweet Spell on the Tumor

10:25-11:10   吳子丑   Tzyy-Choou Wu

Perspectives for HPV Vaccine Development


11:10-11:55   楊秋忠   Chiu-Chung Young

Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Microbial Ecology and Application


12:00-13:00     Lunch Time


13:00-13:45   歐競雄   Jing-Hsiung James Ou

Autophagy and Mitophagy on Cancer Stem Cells and Hepatocarcinogenesis


13:45-14:30   張元豪   Howard Yuan-Hao Chang

Personal Regulome Navigation
URL link: 2018 Symposium of Newly Elected Academicians (Division of Life Sciences)