We develop chemical and genetically-encoded tools for neuroscience applications. This is a highly cross-disciplinary research field. We integrate concepts and techniques in chemistry, bioengineering, biophysics, and neurobiology, aiming to enable precise manipulation and/or probing of complex neurotransmission in the brain. We have developed a series of novel optogenetic/photopharmacological tools, and we are establishing various biological systems to explore potential applications of these tools. We are also developing new tools and methodologies to enable advanced neurobiology studies.
化學、生命科學、生物物理、或生物工程相關科系學士/碩士畢業,熟悉生化/分子生物學實驗,並且對protein engineering或neurotechnology有高度興趣者,歡迎申請加入新一代optogenetic/chemogenetic tools的開發。擅長cloning者將優先考慮。
若有cell culture, fluorescent microscopy,protein design/modeling或bioinformatics的相關經驗也歡迎申請,但這些經驗不是必要條件。
Prospective candidates wishing to develop new optogenetic/chemogenetic tools and holding a M.S. or B.S. degree in chemistry, life sciences, biophysics, or bioengineering are strongly encouraged to apply. We are looking for a new member who is experienced in biochemistry/molecular biology experiments (expertise in cloning is preferred) and has a strong interest in protein engineering or neurotechnology. However, other candidates that have experience in cell culture, fluorescent microscopy, protein design/modeling, or bioinformatics are also welcomed.
[1] 履歷 (含1‐2位推薦者之姓名及聯絡方式)
[2] 研究經驗簡介 (1-2頁簡述曾經參與/完成的研究項目)或著作PDF
[3] Email內文中請簡單敘述應徵動機,研究興趣(或未來規劃),以及符合本職位需求的專長(必填)。此部分內容為評估之重要依據,請多加闡述不要忽略。
Please email:
(1) CV, including the names and contact information of 1-2 referees;
(2) Research experience summary (1-2 pages describing the projects you have participated so far as well as you contributions) or publication PDF file(s);
(3) Cover letter describing your research interests, career plans, and your expertise that is required by this position.
Email主旨請標明 "應徵職位/申請者姓名"。符合資格者將另行通知面談時間。
[Lab website] http://www.ibms.sinica.edu.tw/wan-chen-lin/