Dr. Chen, Chinpan 's publons link picture


  • 02-26523035 (Lab) (Room No: N133)
  • 02-27887641 (Fax)

  • Structural Biology
  • NMR

Education and Positions:
  • Ph.D. University of Washington


克雷伯氏菌PmrD和PmrA/PmrB雙分子系統: 細菌透過種種訊號傳導系統來適應環境的變化,其中最普遍的就是所謂雙分子系統。研究這些蛋白結構特性,將有助於瞭解克雷伯氏菌對抗菌勝肽等所產生的抗藥性機制,同時也能對感染性克雷伯氏菌的藥物發展有所幫助。

DNA結合蛋白:目前在進行DNA結合蛋白(three-C2H2 zinc finger, Myb1和Myb3) 的生物物理相關研究。尤其是利用異核多維NMR技術和電腦模擬計算定出蛋白/DNA複合物結構以便更深入瞭解結構與功能之關連性。

Our Team
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期刊 61 專書 0

  1. Hsu Hong-Ming, Huang Yu-Hsin, Aryal Sarita, Liu Hsing-Wei, Chen Chinpan, Chen Shu-Hui, Chu Chien-Hsin, Tai Jung-Hsiang Endomembrane Protein Trafficking Regulated by a TvCyP2 Cyclophilin in the Protozoan Parasite, Trichomonas vaginalis. Scientific Reports 10(1), 1275 (2020) [JCR] [WOS]
  2. Aryal Sarita, Hsu Hong-Ming, Lou Yuan-Chao, Chu Chien-Hsin, Tai Jung-Hsiang, Hsu Chun-Hua, Chen Chinpan N-Terminal Segment of TvCyP2 Cyclophilin from Trichomonas vaginalis Is Involved in Self-Association, Membrane Interaction, and Subcellular Localization. Biomolecules 10(9), 1239 (2020) [JCR] [WOS]
  3. Sadotra Sushant, Lou Yuan-Chao, Tang Hao-Cheng, Chiu Yi-Chih, Hsu Chun-Hua, Chen Chinpan Structural basis for promoter DNA recognition by the response regulator OmpR. Journal of Structural Biology 213(1), 107638 (2020) [JCR] [WOS]
  4. Lou Yuan‐Chao, Chou Chun‐Chi, Yeh Hsin‐Hong, Chien Chia‐Yu, Sadotra Sushant, Hsu Chun‐Hua, Chen Chinpan Structural basis for −35 element recognition by σ 4 chimera proteins and their interactions with PmrA response regulator. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 88(1), 69-81 (2019) [JCR] [WOS]
  5. Tseng TS, Tu IF, Chen HT, Lin LC, Tsai KC, Wu SH, Chen C Protein-DNA complex-guided discovery of the antibacterial lead E1 for restoring the susceptibility of Klebsiella Pneumoniae to polymyxin B by targeting the response regulator PmrA.. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 54(49), 6372-6375 (2018) [JCR] [WOS]
  6. Martin T, Lou YC, Chou CC, Wei SY, Sadotra S, Cho CC, Lin MH, Tai JH, Hsu CH, Chen C Structural basis of interaction between dimeric cyclophilin 1 and Myb1 transcription factor in Trichomonas vaginalis.. Scientific reports 8(1), 5410 (2018) [JCR] [WOS]
  7. Tseng Tien-Sheng, Tsai Keng-Chang, Chen Chinpan Characterizing structure–function relationship reveals mode of action of a novel antimicrobial peptide, P1, from jumper ant Myrmecia pilosula. Molecular BioSystems 13(6), 1193-1201 (2017-06) [JCR] [WOS]
  8. Martin T, Lou YC, Aryal S, Tai JH, Chen C (1)H, (13)C and (15)N resonance assignments and secondary structures of cyclophilin 2 from Trichomonas vaginalis.. Biomolecular NMR assignments Sep 05, 1-4 (2017) [JCR] [WOS]
  9. Chou CC, Wei SY, Lou YC, Chen C In-depth study of DNA binding of Cys2His2 finger domains in testis zinc-finger protein.. PloS one 12(4), e0175051 (2017) [JCR] [WOS]
  10. Tseng TS, Wang SH, Chang TW, Wei HM, Wang YJ, Tsai KC, Liao YD, Chen C Sarkosyl-Induced Helical Structure of an Antimicrobial Peptide GW-Q6 Plays an Essential Role in the Binding of Surface Receptor OprI in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.. PloS one 11(10), e0164597 (2016) [JCR] [WOS]

- 博士後研究 -
Lou, Yuan-Chao
Tseng, Tien-Sheng
- 研究助理 -
Kao, Yi-Fen
Yeh, Andy
- 學生 -
Martin, Tesmine
Sadotra, Sushant
Aryal, Sarita
- 昔日夥伴 -
Wei, Shu-Yi
Chen, Hsiao-Ting
Ho, Meng-Ru
Wang, Iren
Luo, Shih-Chi
Pan, Yun-Ru (Anka)
Chou, Chun-Chi