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Dr. Chen, Chinpan

Emeritus Research Fellow
  • 02-26523035 (Lab) (Room No: N133)
  • 02-27887641 (Fax)

  • Structural Biology
  • NMR

Education and Positions:

Ph.D. University of Washington

My laboratory focuses on the structure/function study of biologically important proteins by using a variety of biophysical techniques.

PmrD and PmrA/PmrB two-component system from Klebsiella pneumonia: In bacteria the two-component signal-transduction system is the most prevalent system in response to environmental stresses for transducing the information inside the cells. Understanding the structural characterizations of PmrD and PmrA/PmrB two-component system may provide valuable information about the mechanism how Klebsiella pneumoniae resists the antimicrobial peptides, such as polymyxin B, which may be helpful in drug development for the infections related to K. pneumoniae.

DNA-binding proteins: Biophysical studies of the three-C2H2 zinc finger protein in TZFP (testis zinc finger protein) and of Myb1 and Myb3 protein from Trichomonas vaginalis are currently in the progress. Especially, determination of the DNA-bound complex structures will be carried out using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR techniques and computational modeling to further gain insights into structure/function relationships.

Our Team
Team photo

Journal 61 Book 0

  1. Hsu Hong-Ming, Huang Yu-Hsin, Aryal Sarita, Liu Hsing-Wei, Chen Chinpan, Chen Shu-Hui, Chu Chien-Hsin, Tai Jung-Hsiang Endomembrane Protein Trafficking Regulated by a TvCyP2 Cyclophilin in the Protozoan Parasite, Trichomonas vaginalis. Scientific Reports 10(1), 1275 (2020) [JCR] [WOS]
  2. Aryal Sarita, Hsu Hong-Ming, Lou Yuan-Chao, Chu Chien-Hsin, Tai Jung-Hsiang, Hsu Chun-Hua, Chen Chinpan N-Terminal Segment of TvCyP2 Cyclophilin from Trichomonas vaginalis Is Involved in Self-Association, Membrane Interaction, and Subcellular Localization. Biomolecules 10(9), 1239 (2020) [JCR] [WOS]
  3. Sadotra Sushant, Lou Yuan-Chao, Tang Hao-Cheng, Chiu Yi-Chih, Hsu Chun-Hua, Chen Chinpan Structural basis for promoter DNA recognition by the response regulator OmpR. Journal of Structural Biology 213(1), 107638 (2020) [JCR] [WOS]
  4. Lou Yuan‐Chao, Chou Chun‐Chi, Yeh Hsin‐Hong, Chien Chia‐Yu, Sadotra Sushant, Hsu Chun‐Hua, Chen Chinpan Structural basis for −35 element recognition by σ 4 chimera proteins and their interactions with PmrA response regulator. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 88(1), 69-81 (2019) [JCR] [WOS]
  5. Tseng TS, Tu IF, Chen HT, Lin LC, Tsai KC, Wu SH, Chen C Protein-DNA complex-guided discovery of the antibacterial lead E1 for restoring the susceptibility of Klebsiella Pneumoniae to polymyxin B by targeting the response regulator PmrA.. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 54(49), 6372-6375 (2018) [JCR] [WOS]
  6. Martin T, Lou YC, Chou CC, Wei SY, Sadotra S, Cho CC, Lin MH, Tai JH, Hsu CH, Chen C Structural basis of interaction between dimeric cyclophilin 1 and Myb1 transcription factor in Trichomonas vaginalis.. Scientific reports 8(1), 5410 (2018) [JCR] [WOS]
  7. Tseng Tien-Sheng, Tsai Keng-Chang, Chen Chinpan Characterizing structure–function relationship reveals mode of action of a novel antimicrobial peptide, P1, from jumper ant Myrmecia pilosula. Molecular BioSystems 13(6), 1193-1201 (2017-06) [JCR] [WOS]
  8. Martin T, Lou YC, Aryal S, Tai JH, Chen C (1)H, (13)C and (15)N resonance assignments and secondary structures of cyclophilin 2 from Trichomonas vaginalis.. Biomolecular NMR assignments Sep 05, 1-4 (2017) [JCR] [WOS]
  9. Chou CC, Wei SY, Lou YC, Chen C In-depth study of DNA binding of Cys2His2 finger domains in testis zinc-finger protein.. PloS one 12(4), e0175051 (2017) [JCR] [WOS]
  10. Tseng TS, Wang SH, Chang TW, Wei HM, Wang YJ, Tsai KC, Liao YD, Chen C Sarkosyl-Induced Helical Structure of an Antimicrobial Peptide GW-Q6 Plays an Essential Role in the Binding of Surface Receptor OprI in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.. PloS one 11(10), e0164597 (2016) [JCR] [WOS]

Lou, Yuan-Chao
Lou, Yuan-Chao
Tseng, Tien-Sheng
Tseng, Tien-Sheng
Kao, Yi-Fen
Kao, Yi-Fen
Yeh, Andy
Yeh, Andy
Martin, Tesmine
Martin, Tesmine
Sadotra, Sushant
Sadotra, Sushant
Aryal, Sarita
Aryal, Sarita
Wei, Shu-Yi
Wei, Shu-Yi
Chen, Hsiao-Ting
Chen, Hsiao-Ting
Ho, Meng-Ru
Ho, Meng-Ru
Wang, Iren
Wang, Iren
Luo, Shih-Chi
Luo, Shih-Chi
Pan, Yun-Ru (Anka)
Pan, Yun-Ru (Anka)
Chou, Chun-Chi
Chou, Chun-Chi