Dr. Chang, Ya-Jen 's orcid link picture Dr. Chang, Ya-Jen 's publons link picture


  • 02-27899050 (Lab) (Room No: N527)
  • 02-27898594 (Fax)

  1. Allergy and asthma
  2. Innate immunity and mucosal immunology
  3. Immunopharmacology

Education and Positions:
  • Ph.D., Pharmacology, National Taiwan University; 

    Instructor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; 

    Research Associate in Immunology, Boston Children's Hospital

本實驗室致力於研究一群近年新發現的先天性免疫細胞次族群 (Innate Immune Cell Subsets) 如何影響氣喘以及自體免疫疾病的發作與他們在黏膜被微生物感染時所扮演的角色。先天性淋巴細胞 (Innate Lymphoid Cells; ILC) 為一種單核免疫細胞,且不屬於後天免疫系統如T或B淋巴細胞的分類。這群細胞被發現在先天性免疫系統所調控之自體免疫疾病以及宿主對抗病原體感染時扮演重要的角色。而另一種先天性免疫淋巴細胞,自然殺手T細胞 (Natural Killer T Cells; NKT),為一群具有自然殺手細胞及T細胞特性的免疫細胞群,並被某些醣脂質類抗原所活化,也是我們有興趣研究的目標。目前對這些先天性淋巴細胞於免疫調控以及它們在病原菌感染與自體免疫疾病如過敏與氣喘中如何被活化與調節的機轉並不甚瞭解。我們目前研究的方向包括瞭解呼吸道病毒如何透過先天免疫系統影響氣喘發展的詳細機轉;先天性淋巴細胞 (ILCs) 參與黏膜感染時之免疫反應;以及它們與其他免疫細胞的相互作用。我們將針對這些新興的先天性淋巴次細胞族群在氣喘及自體免疫疾病所參與的調控機制,進一步發展治療或預防氣喘與自體免疫或感染疾病相關的藥物、標靶治療或疫苗研發。

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期刊 48 專書 1

  1. Luo CH, Lai AC, Tsai CC, Chen WY, Chang YS, Chung EJ, (Chang YJ*) Staphylococcus aureus exacerbates dermal IL-33-ILC2 axis activation through evoking RIPK3/MLKL-mediated necroptosis of dry skin JCI Insight 9(6), e166821 (2024-02) [JCR] [WOS]
  2. Thio CL, (Chang YJ*) Modulation of pulmonary group 2 innate lymphoid cell function in asthma: From inflammatory mediators to environmental and metabolic factors Experimental and Molecular Medicine 10.1038, 1-13 (2023-09) [JCR] [WOS]
  3. Tsai CH, Lai AC, Lin YC, Chi PY, Chen YC, Yang YH, Chen CH, Shen SY, Hwang TL, Su MW, Hsu IL, Maitland-van der Zee AH, McGeachie MJ, Tantisira KG, (Chang YJ*), Lee YL* Neutrophil extracellular trap production and CCL4L2 expression influence corticosteroid response in asthma Science Translational Medicine 15, eadf3843 (2023-06) [JCR] [WOS]
  4. Luo CH, Lai AC*, (Chang YJ*) Butyrate inhibits Staphylococcus aureus aggravated dermal IL-33 expression and skin inflammation through histone deacetylase inhibition. Frontiers in Immunology 14, 1114699 (2023-05) [JCR] [WOS]
  5. González-Cuesta M, Lai AC, Chi PY, Hsu IL, Liu NT, Wu KC, García Fernández M, (Chang YJ*), Ortiz Mellet C* Serine-/Cysteine-Based sp2‑Iminoglycolipids as Novel TLR4 Agonists: Evaluation of Their Adjuvancy and Immunotherapeutic Properties in a Murine Model of Asthma Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2023-03) [JCR] [WOS]
  6. Thio CL, Lai AC, Wang JC, Chi PY, Chang YL, Ting YT, Chen SY, (Chang YJ*) Identification of a PD-L1+Tim-1+ iNKT subset that protects against fine particulate matter–induced airway inflammation JCI Insight 7(23), e164157 (2022-12) [JCR] [WOS]
  7. Thio CL, Lai AC, Ting YT, Chi PY, (Chang YJ*) The ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate mitigates ILC2-driven airway inflammation by regulating mast cell function Cell Reports 40, 111437 (2022-09) [JCR] [WOS]
  8. Chung EJ, Luo CH, Thio CL, (Chang YJ*) Immunomodulatory Role of Staphylococcus aureus in Atopic Dermatitis Pathogens 11, 422-432 (2022-03) [JCR] [WOS]
  9. Li LC, Chen WY, Chen JB, Lee WC, Chang CC, Tzeng HT, Huang CC, (Chang YJ), Yang JL The AST-120 Recovers Uremic Toxin-Induced Cognitive Deficit via NLRP3 Inflammasome Pathway in Astrocytes and Microglia Biomedicines 9, 1252 (2021-09) [JCR] [WOS]
  10. He YH, Yeh MH, Chen HF, Wang TS, Wong RH, Wei YL, Huynh TK, Hu DW, Cheng FJ, Chen JY, Hu SW, Huang CC, Chen Y, Yu J, Cheng WC, Shen PC, Liu LC, Huang CH, (Chang YJ), Huang WC. ERα determines the chemoresistant function of mutant p53 involving the switch between lincRNA-p21 and DDB2 expressions. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids 25, 536-553 (2021-08) [JCR] [WOS]

- 博士後研究 -
Thio, Christina
- 研究助理 -
Chi, Po-Yu
Wu, Ko-Chien
Liu, Nien-Tzu
Ho, Chieh-Hsin
- 學生 -
Lo, Chia-Hui
Hsueh, Chia-Yi
Shao, Jheng-Syuan
Huang, Ting-Chieh
- 昔日夥伴 -
Wu, Yi-Hsiu
Wang, Jo-Chiao
Ting, Yu-Tes

  1. NSTC Outstanding Research Award-國科會傑出研究獎 (2024)
  2. Academia Sinica Presidential Scholars Program-中研院特優學術研究獎 (2021-2023) 
  3. Youth Award (Erudite category) from The China Youth Corps, Taiwan-中國青年救國團青年獎章-博學類 (2021)
  4. Academia Sinica Investigator Award-中研院深耕計畫獎 (2021)
  5. Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators-中研院年輕學者研究著作獎 (2020)
  6. Outstanding Research Award (Allergy) from the Chinese Society of Immunology-中華民國免疫學會劉文章教授紀念學術獎 (2018)
  7. Excellent Young Scholar Grant, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan-科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫 (2016, 2019)
  8. Young Scientists 2015, selected by the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP)/Global Young Academy (GYA)-2015年全球年輕學者 (2015)
  9. The 3rd Annual Excellence in Creativity Award for Young Scholar from The Foundation for the  Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship-年輕學者創新獎 (2015)
  10. The 23rd Annual Top Ten Distinguished Young Woman, Taiwan-中華民國十大傑出女青年獎 (2015)
  11. Academia Sinica Career Development Award-中研院前瞻計畫獎 (2015)
  12. Li Foundation Heritage Prize for "Excellence in Creativity"-美國李氏傳統基金會創新研究傑出獎 (2013)
  13. Annual Young Scholar Award of Pharmacology Society of Taiwan-台灣藥理學會年輕學者獎 (2008)