Ph.D., Pharmacology, National Taiwan University;
Instructor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School;
Research Associate in Immunology, Boston Children's Hospital
The goal of our laboratory is to determine how the newly defined innate immune cell subsets (ILC and NKT) regulate the development of asthma, autoimmune diseases, and microbial infections. Innate lymphoid cells (ILC), a type of non-T non-B lymphoid cells, represent an emerging family of cell types that seem to have crucial roles in the development of autoimmune diseases and in regulating the innate immunity towards pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms. Another innate immune cell subset, Natural Killer T cells (NKT), which express both NK and T cell markers, are activated by glycolipid antigens, particularly from certain bacteria. They have been found to modulate the process of immune response and participate in the development of several diseases. Despite the importance of these innate immune cell subsets in immunology and in human health, the mechanisms on how these cells activate and regulate disease processes are not well understood. Our research projects take advantage of our mouse models for asthma, as well as being well versed in characterizing ILCs in the lungs. We are interested in studying the mechanistic interactions between respiratory pathogens and lung functional disorders, as well as the mechanisms of how ILCs interplay with other innate or adaptive immune cells in the pathogenesis of asthma and infectious diseases. We are particularly interested in the development of therapeutic agents targeting the innate immune cell subsets in asthma, autoimmune and infectious diseases.
---Honors and Awards Received by Trainees---
■2024 IBMS Research Day/TIGP Travel Award Competition (Best Oral Award) to NDMC Master student Ting-Chieh Huang
■2024 Scholarship of Graduate Research for Chen Tzong-Jen Memorial Immunology Foundation to NDMC Master student Ting-Chieh Huang
■2024 TIGP Molecular Medicine Program Retreat: Oral Presentation Award to PhD student Jheng-Syuan Shao and Poster Award to PhD student Chia-Hui Lo
■2024 TIGP Research Performance Award to TIGP PhD students Chia-Hui Lo and Jheng-Syuan Shao
■2023 Outstanding Oral Presentation Award for Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Immunology (CSI) to TIGP PhD student Chia-Hui Lo
■2023 Oral Presentation and Young Investigator Travel Award for the IMMUNOLOGY AAI Annual Meeting to TIGP PhD student Jheng-Syuan Shao
■2023 Best Oral Presentation Award for Formosa Immunology Spring School & Symposium (FISS) to TIGP PhD student Chia-Hui Lo
■2022 Distinguished Poster Award for ICCB & APOCB JOINT MEETING to TIGP PhD student Jheng-Syuan Shao
■2022 NYCU Three Minutes Thesis Competition of Life Sciences (High Distinction Awards) to TIGP PhD student Chia-Hui Lo
■2022 IBMS Research Day/TIGP Travel Award Competition (Best Oral Award) to TIGP PhD student Chia-Hui Lo and Jheng-Syuan Shao
■2022 Academia Sinica Summer Internship Presentation Award to undergraduate student Yun-Chi Chen
■2021 Best Poster Award for Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Immunology (CSI) to TIGP PhD student Chia-Hui Lo
■2021 Travel awards for Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Immunology (CSI) to TIGP PhD student Chia-Hui Lo and NTU Master student Ethan-Jachen Chung
■2021 Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Fellowship (Life Science) to Postdoctoral fellow Christina Thio
■ 2020 Chinese Society of Immunology Annual Meeting Oral Competition Award to Chia-Hui Lo
■ 2019 Chinese Society of Immunology Annual Meeting Oral Competition Award to Postdoctoral fellow Christina Li-Ping Thio
■ 2019 Chinese Society of Immunology Annual Meeting Poster Competition Award to Yi-Hsiu Wu
■ 2019 Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Fellowship (Life Science) to Postdoctoral fellow Christina Thio
■ 2018 NHRI/IBMS Joint international Conference on Inflammation and Disease (Best Poster Award) to PhD student Mr. Yi-Hsiu Wu
■ 2018 IBMS Research Day/TIGP Travel Award Competition (Best Oral Award) to Postdoctoral fellow Christina Thio
■ 2018 Outstanding Oral Presentation Award to Postdoctoral fellow Chun-Chou Tsai in the Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, (Taipei, Taiwan)
■ 2017 TIGP Molecular Medicine Program Retreat (Best Oral Award) to PhD student Ms. Christina Thio
■ 2017 NHRI/IBMS Joint international Conference on Inflammation and Disease (Best Poster Award) to PhD student Ms. Christina Thio
■ 2017 TIGP Molecular Medicine Program Retreat (Best Poster Award) to PhD student Mr. Yi-Hsiu Wu
■ 2016 TIGP Molecular Medicine Program Retreat (Best Poster Award) to PhD student Ms. Christina Thio