M.D. -National Taiwan University
Ph.D. -Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University Joint Ph.D. Program of Translational Medicine
- Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Medical Genomics and Proteomics, Medical College, National Taiwan University
- Attending Physician, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, National Taiwan University Hospital
- Vice CEO, Center for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital
本實驗室研究主題為第2型糖尿病、肥胖、脂肪肝、腎功能的基因變異, 特別是東亞特有之遺傳位點。並針對這些位點以轉殖基因小鼠模型闡明分子機制、並開發藥物, 進行臨床試驗。
東亞族群在基因體學上,為相對獨立的族群。我們參與大規模東亞全基因體掃描合作計畫, 如TOPMed), SAPPHIRe,發現許多新穎的東亞特有糖尿病與肥胖致病基因, 如乙醛去氫酶(ALDH2)變異(E487K) 與廣東型G6PD deficiency之基因突變。
我們發現ALDH2東亞特有之E487基因轉殖鼠發生肥胖、糖尿病、脂肪肝、腎功能異常、與心肌病變。我們與史丹佛大學團隊與製藥公司合作,發展出可以降低有害醛類的強效且高度專一性ALDH2促進劑, 可以改善小鼠這些病癥。其中急性腎衰竭之預防效果, 預計進入第二期臨床試驗。我們也在測試可以修補廣東型G6PD突變的小分子促進劑對於小鼠肥胖、血糖異常、心肌病變與腎病變之治療效果。
此外我們也找出內生性PPARγ配體並以基因剔除鼠模式, 證實增加內生性PPARγ配體,可以減少肥胖、脂肪肝、與降低血糖,且沒有人工合成PPARγ配體thiazolidinedione之副作用 (如體重增加、水份滯留、與骨質疏鬆)。我們進一步與國衛院, 中研院, 以及台大藥學院合作, 以高通量篩藥找尋到小分子抑制劑,並修改出lead 可增加內生性PPARγ配體,在小鼠以口服方式可以减低血糖、脂肪肝,與降低體重。獲得科技部2019未來科技突破獎。
1. 1998 臺灣大學醫學系書卷獎
2. 2004 臺大內科住院醫師學術優異獎
3. 2006 國衛院醫師攻讀臨床在職專班獎助
4. 2007 中華民國糖尿病學會默沙東優秀論文獎
5. 2008 Peter Bennett’s Award, IDF/WPR Asia-Pacific Diabetes Epidemiology and
Education Training Course
6. 2008 Human Genome Organization (HUGO) Young Investigator Award
7. 2008 華夏內分泌學會年輕傑出研究獎
8. Top 10 Cited Paper (2010) Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental
9. 2013 中華民國糖尿病學會輝瑞優秀論文獎
10. 2014 中華民國糖尿病學會諾和諾德糖尿病傑出研究獎
11. 2016 臺大醫學院研究生優秀著作獎
12. 2016, 2020 年中華民國糖尿病學會研究計劃獎勵
13. 2016 跨世紀醫療促進基金會醫學研究獎
14. 2015,2017, 2018, 2021學年台灣大學學術研究績效獎勵
15. 2019 科技部未來科技突破獎 (台灣大學與國家衛生研究院團隊)
16. 2019臺灣醫學會雜誌年度最佳審查人獎
17. 臺大醫學院及臺大醫院兩院轉譯醫學2005, 2019, 2021,2022, 2023 獲獎團隊
18. 2024台灣大學資深優良教師
19. 2024中華民國糖尿病學會傑出研究獎
1. Academic Performance Award, National Taiwan University (1998)
2. Distinguished Academic Achievement Award of Residents, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital (2004)
3. Medical Research Award for Physicians in Working Professional Master’s Program, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan (2006)
4. MSD Distinguished Research Paper Award, Diabetes Association of Taiwan (2007)
5. Peter Bennett’s Award, IDF/WPR Asia-Pacific Diabetes Epidemiology and Education Training Course (2008)
6. Young Investigator Award, Human Genome Organization (HUGO) (2008)
7. Young Investigator Award, 5th Huaxia Congress of Endocrinology (2008)
8. Top 10 Cited Paper of Metabolism (2010)
9. Pfizer Distinguished Research Paper Award, Diabetes Association of Taiwan (2013)
10. Novo Nordisk Distinguished Research Award, Diabetes Association of Taiwan (2014)
11. Outstanding Research Award for Graduate Students of National Taiwan University School of Medicine (2016)
12. Research Program Award of the Diabetes Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (2016, 2020)
13. Outstanding Research Award of the New Century Health Care Promotion Foundation (2016)
14. Academic Research Performance Award, National Taiwan University (2015, 2017, 2018, 2021)
15. Future Technology Breakthrough Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (2019)
16. Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Formosan Medical Association 2019
17. Translational Research Award of National Taiwan University Medical College and National Taiwan University (2018.2019, 2021, 2022, 2023)
18. Senior Excellent Teacher Award, National Taiwan University (2024)
19. Distinguished Research Award, Diabetes Association of Taiwan (2024)