Dr. Lee, Yungling Leo's orcid link picture Dr. Lee, Yungling Leo's publons link picture


  • 02-27899132 (Lab) (Room No: N343)
  • 02-26523013 (Office)
  • 02-27829142 (Fax)


1. Adaptive Immunity

2. Omics and Precision Medicine

3. Antigen Presenting Cells

4. Vaccine Development

Education and Positions:
  • M.D. National Taiwan University

    Ph.D. National Cheng Kung University

Our Team
Team photo

期刊 104 專書 2

  1. Munalisa R, Lien TS, Tsai PY, Sun DS, Cheng CF, Wu WS, Li CC, Hu CT, Tsai KW, Lee YL, Chou YC, Chang HH Restraint stress-induced neutrophil inflammation contributes to concurrent gastrointestinal injury in mice. Int J Mol Sci 25, 5261 (2024-05) [JCR] [WOS]
  2. Yeh CY, Su SH, Tan YF, Tsai TF, Liang PH, Kelel M, Weng HJ, Hsiao YP, Lu CH, Tsai CH, Lee CH, Clausen BE, Liu FT, Lee YL* PD-L1 Enhanced by cis-Urocanic Acid on Langerhans Cells Inhibits Vγ4+ γδT17 Cells in Imiquimod-Induced Skin Inflammation. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 143, 1449-1460 (2023-08) [JCR] [WOS]
  3. Tsai CH, Lai AC, Lin YC, Chi PY, Chen YC, Yang YH, Chen CH, Shen SY, Hwang TL, Su MW, Hsu IL, Huang YC, Maitland-van der Zee AH, McGeachie MJ, Tantisira KG, Chang YJ, Lee YL* Neutrophil extracellular trap production and CCL4L2 expression influence corticosteroid response in asthma. SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 15(699), eadf3843 (2023-06) [JCR] [WOS]
  4. Chen CH, Lee YL, Wu MH, Chen PJ, Wei TS, Tseng CI, Chen WJ Prenatal household incense burning, air purifiers and cord blood IgE. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGY 53(4), 474-478 (2023-04) [JCR] [WOS]
  5. Tsai MC, Lee YL*, Chen YC* Association of the consumption of common drinks with early puberty in both sexes. FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 10, 854477 (2022-12) [JCR] [WOS]
  6. Chen YC, Huang YT, Pan WH, Lee YL* Mediators linking obesity to childhood asthma. PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY e13859 (2022-10) [JCR] [WOS]
  7. Chen YC, Su MW, Brumpton BM, Lee YL* Investigating obesity-related risk factors for childhood asthma. PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY e13710, e13710 (2022-01) [JCR] [WOS]
  8. Chen CH, Lee YL, Wu MH, Chen PJ, Wei TS, Tseng CI, Chen WJ Prenatal antioxidant-enriched and pro-oxidant-contained food, IL4 and IL13 pathway genes, and cord blood IgE.. Scientific reports 12(1), 2884 (2022) [JCR] [WOS]
  9. Huang L, Wang ST, Kuo HP, Delclaux C, Jensen ME, Wood LG, Costa D, Nowakowski D, Oliveira PD, Chen YC, Chen YC*, Lee YL* Effects of Obesity on Pulmonary Function Considering the Transition from Obstructive to Restrictive Pattern from Childhood to Young Adulthood. OBESITY REVIEWS e13327, e13327 (2021-12) [JCR] [WOS]
  10. Chen YC, Kuo HP, Hsia SM, Wu HT, Pan WH, Lee YL* Life course body mass index through childhood and young adulthood and risks of asthma and pulmonary function impairment. PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY 56, 849-857 (2021-05) [JCR] [WOS]

1. Outstanding Asian Young Environmental Epidemiologist Award, International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (2006)

2. Outstanding Young Physician Award, Taiwan Environmental and Occupational Medicine Association (2008)

3. Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, Ministry of Science and Technology (2015)

4. Tien-Te Lee Young Medical Scientist Award (2016)

5. Outstanding Research Award for Excellence in Medical Research, National Taiwan University Hospital (2018)

6. Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology (2019)