
  • 02-27899081 (Lab) (Room No: N807)
  • 02-27899085 (Fax)

  • Human Genetics
  • Genomic Medicine

Education and Positions:
  • M.D., Ph.D. Columbia University

Highlight Detail

Mice with Alopecia, Osteoporosis, and Systemic Amyloidosis Due to Mutation in Zdhhc13, a Gene Coding for Palmitoyl Acyltransferase.

Dr. Chen, Yuan-Tsong
PLoS Genet., Jun 10, 2010

Protein palmitoylation has emerged as an important mechanism for regulating protein trafficking, stability, and protein–protein interactions; however, its relevance to disease processes is not clear. Using a genome-wide, phenotype driven N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea–mediated mutagenesis screen, we identified mice with failure to thrive, shortened life span, skin and hair abnormalities including alopecia, severe osteoporosis, and systemic amyloidosis (both AA and AL amyloids depositions).