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Dr. Shyue, Song-Kun

Associate Research Fellow
  • 02-27899153 (Lab) (Room No: N337)
  • 02-26523962 (Office)
  • 02-27829224 (Fax)

  • Caveolin-1
  • Protein Degradation
  • PGs & Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Adenovirus vector gene therapy

Education and Positions:
  • Ph.D. Univ. of Texas-Houston, Health Science Center

Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is the major structure protein of caveolae and involved in protein and cholesterol trafficking, signaling transduction and protein degradation. My laboratory has been working on the roles of prostaglandins/eicosanoids in cardiovascular diseases and the role of Cav-1 in bacteria- and LPS-associated immune response and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 degradation. Previously, we showed that deletion of Cav-1 reduces brain injury in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) mouse model. We therefore investigated the role Cav-1 Ab in inflammatory response in ICH.

1. Role of caveolin (Cav-1) antibody (Ab) in immune regulation and therapy for inflammatory diseases.  Our results show that Cav-1 Ab treatment alleviated brain damage via reducing brain inflammatory response in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) mouse model.  Cav-1 Ab treatment reduced microglial activation and modulated microglial M1/M2 polarization toward the M2 phenotype. We are working on the underline mechanism of how Cav-1 Ab modulate monocyte/macrophage polarization and its therapeutic efficacy in inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis, other inflammation-related diseases with the monoclonal Cav-1 Abs we developed.

2. Searching for novel genes involved in proteasome- and autophagy-mediated COX-2 degradation.  Using CRISPR/Cas9 techniques, we have identified several genes which may mediate COX-2 degradation. Two novel genes are under investigation: one may mediate the retrotranslocation of COX-2 from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to cytosol, and the other may regulate both ER-associated degradation and autophagy. Several novel genes which may be involved in autophagy have been identified for future study.

3. Novel role of a prostaglandin (PGX) in cardiovascular disease.  High dose of non-specific non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and COX-2 specific inhibitors are associated with increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI), suggesting cardiovascular protective roles of unidentified prostaglandins.  We have identified PGX which may play protective roles in cardiovascular diseases.  Deletion of PGX increased atherosclerosis in apoE KO mice.  Moreover, deletion of PGX increased cardiac fibrosis and deteriorate cardiac function in MI mouse model.  Ongoing projects are involved in the function of PGX in lipid homeostasis, endothelial function and cardiac fibrosis.

4. Role of Cav-1 in erythrocytes homeostasis.  An ongoing study focus on the molecular mechanism of Cav-1 in red blood cell counts in Cav-1-deleted mice. 

5. Adenovirus vector construction and modification.  We are in charge for the core facility of recombinant adenovirus vector and have develop an efficient system for adenovirus vector construction and amplification. 

Our Team
Team photo

Journal 110 Book 0

  1. Chang TC, Lin CF, Lu YJ, Liang SM, Wei JY, Chin CH, Shyue SK, Kuo CC, Liou JY The effects of acetylated cordycepin derivatives on promoting vascular angiogenesis and attenuating myocardial ischemic injury.. Heliyon 10(21), e40026 (2024) [JCR] [WOS]
  2. Chen CC, Ke CH, Wu CH, Lee HF, Chao Y, Tsai MC, Shyue SK, Chen SF Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 inhibition reduces brain damage by suppressing neuronal apoptosis after intracerebral hemorrhage.. Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland) 34(5), e13244 (2024) [JCR] [WOS]
  3. Chen Shu-Fen, Wu Chun-Hu, Lee Yen-Ming, Tam Kabik, Liou Jun-Yang, Shyue Song-Kun Surf4 collaborates with derlin-2 and derlin-1 to mediate cyclooxygenase-2 translocation to the cytosol for degradation. Journal of Cell Science 136(18), 1-12 (2023-09-28) [JCR] [WOS]
  4. Lien CF, Lin CS, Shyue SK, Hsieh PS, Chen SJ, Lin YT, Chien S, Tsai MC Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta improves the features of atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability by regulating smooth muscle cell phenotypic switching.. British journal of pharmacology On line published, On line-on line (2023) [JCR] [WOS]
  5. Chuang CK, Chen SF, Su YH, Chen WH, Lin WM, Wang IC, Shyue SK The Role of SCL Isoforms in Embryonic Hematopoiesis.. International journal of molecular sciences 24(7), 6427-6427 (2023) [JCR] [WOS]
  6. Chou PC, Liu CM, Weng CH, Yang KC, Cheng ML, Lin YC, Yang RB, Shyu BC, (Shyue SK), Liu JD, Chen SP, Hsiao M, Hu YF Fibroblasts Drive Metabolic Reprogramming in Pacemaker Cardiomyocytes.. Circulation research 131(1), 6-20 (2022) [JCR] [WOS]
  7. Chen CH, Leu SJ, Hsu CP, Pan CC, (Shyue SK*), Lee TS* Atypical antipsychotic drugs deregulate the cholesterol metabolism of macrophage-foam cells by activating NOX-ROS-PPARγ-CD36 signaling pathway. Metabolism: clinical and experimental 123, 154847 (2021) [JCR] [WOS]
  8. Lien CC, Chen CH, Lee YM, Guo BC, Cheng LC, Pan CC, Shyue SK*, Lee TS* The phosphatase activity of soluble epoxide hydrolase regulates ATP-binding cassette transporter-A1-dependent cholesterol efflux.. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 23(10), 6611-6621 (2019-10) [JCR] [WOS]
  9. Wu CH, Chen CC, Hung TH, Chuang YC, Chao M, Shyue SK*, Chen SF* Activation of TrkB/Akt signaling by a TrkB receptor agonist improves long-term histological and functional outcomes in experimental intracerebral hemorrhage.. Journal of biomedical science 26(1), 53 (2019-07) [JCR] [WOS]
  10. Wu YJ, Ko BS, Liang SM, Lu YJ, Jan YJ, Jiang SS, Shyue SK, Chen L, Liou JY ZNF479 downregulates metallothionein-1 expression by regulating ASH2L and DNMT1 in hepatocellular carcinoma.. Cell death & disease 10(6), 408 (2019-05) [JCR] [WOS]