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Dr. Tao, Mi-Hua

Research Fellow
  • 02-2789-9151 (L) (Lab) (Room No: N229)
  • 02-2652-3078 (O) (Office)
  • 02-2782-9142 (Fax)

  • Viral and Cancer Immunology
  • Viral and Cancer Immunotherapy
  • Vaccine Development
  • Gene Therapy

Education and Positions:
  • Ph.D.  Columbia University (Microbiology and Immunology).

    Postdoctoral Fellow.  Stanford University (Oncology)

  • 日常維護流程─ FACSCelesta
  • 感染性檢體流式細胞儀使用規則(2017)

  • Highlight Detail

    Combinatorial RNA Interference Therapy Prevents Selection of Preexisting HBV Variants in Human Liver Chimeric Mice.

    Dr. Tao, Mi-Hua
    Scientific Reports, Oct 20, 2015

    Selection of escape mutants with mutations within the target sequence could abolish the antiviral RNA interference activity. Here, we investigated the impact of a pre-existing shRNA-resistant HBV variant on the efficacy of shRNA therapy. Human liver chimeric mice were infected with a mixture of wild-type and T472C HBV, a shRNA S1-resistant HBV variant, and then treated with a single or combined shRNAs. The presence of T472C mutant compromised the therapeutic efficacy of S1 and resulted in replacement of serum wild-type HBV by T472C HBV. In contrast, combinatorial therapy markedly reduced titers for both wild-type and T472C HBV. Our results demonstrate that combinatorial RNAi therapy can minimize the escape of resistant viral mutants in chronic HBV patients.