Dr. Lin, Teng-Nan 's publons link picture

Dr. Lin, Teng-Nan

Adjunct Research Fellow
  • 886-2-2789-9141 (Lab) (Room No: 404)
  • 2652-3936 (Office)
  • 2785-8847 (Fax)

  • Cerebral Ischemia
  • Angiogenesis
  • Neurochemistry

Education and Positions:
  • Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia.

Dr. Lin, Teng-Nan 's

Journal 78 Book 5

  1. Lee GA*, (Lin TN), Chen CY, Mau SY, Huang WZ, Kao YC, Ma RY, Liao NS* Interleukin 15 blockade protects the brain from cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury.. Brain, behavior, and immunity 73, 562-570 (2018) [JCR] [WOS]
  2. Wu KH, Ho CT, Chen ZF, Chen LC, Whang-Peng J, (Lin TN)*, Ho YS* The apple polyphenol phloretin inhibits breast cancer cell migration and proliferation via inhibition of signals by type 2 glucose transporter.. Journal of food and drug analysis 26(1), 221-231 (2018) [JCR] [WOS]
  3. Hou PS, Chuang CY, Yeh CH, Chiang W, Liu HJ, (Lin TN), Kuo HC* Direct Conversion of Human Fibroblasts into Neural Progenitors Using Transcription Factors Enriched in Human ESC-Derived Neural Progenitors.. Stem cell reports 8(1), 54-68 (2017) [JCR] [WOS]
  4. Hung CC, Lin CH, Chang H, Wang CY, Lin SH, Hsu PC, Sun YY, (Lin TN), Shie FS, Kao LS, Chou CM, Lee YH* Astrocytic GAP43 Induced by the TLR4/NF-kappaB/STAT3 Axis Attenuates Astrogliosis-Mediated Microglial Activation and Neurotoxicity.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 36(6), 2027-43 (2016) [JCR] [WOS]
  5. Tan CS, Ho CF, Heng SS, Wu JS, Tan BK, Ng YK, Sun GY, (Lin TN)*, Ong WY* Clinacanthus nutans Extracts Modulate Epigenetic Link to Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 Expression in SH-SY5Y Cells and Primary Cortical Neurons.. Neuromolecular medicine 18(3), 441-52 (2016) [JCR] [WOS]
  6. Tsai HD, Wu JS, Kao MH, Chen JJ, Sun GY, Ong WY*, (Lin TN)* Clinacanthus nutans Protects Cortical Neurons Against Hypoxia-Induced Toxicity by Downregulating HDAC1/6.. Neuromolecular medicine 18(3), 274-82 (2016) [JCR] [WOS]
  7. Ong WY, Sun GY, Wood WG, Lin TN Nutraceuticals in Neurodegeneration and Aging.. Neuromolecular medicine 18(3), 239-240 (2016) [JCR] [WOS]
  8. Wu JS, Tsai HD, Cheung WM, Hsu CY, (Lin TN)* PPAR-gamma Ameliorates Neuronal Apoptosis and Ischemic Brain Injury via Suppressing NF-kappaB-Driven p22phox Transcription.. Molecular neurobiology 53(6), 3626-3645 (2016) [JCR] [WOS]
  9. Huang CY, Chen JJ, Wu JS, Tsai HD, Lin H, Yan YT, Hsu CY, Ho YS, (Lin TN)* Novel link of anti-apoptotic ATF3 with pro-apoptotic CTMP in the ischemic brain.. Molecular neurobiology 51(2), 543-57 (2015) [JCR] [WOS]
  10. Huang CH, Shih YY, Siow TY, Hsu YH, Chen CC, (Lin TN), Jaw FS, Chang C* Temporal assessment of vascular reactivity and functionality using MRI during postischemic proangiogenenic vascular remodeling.. Magnetic resonance imaging 33(7), 903-10 (2015) [JCR] [WOS]