通 知 2020-03-23:
1. 生醫所同仁:3/8後返國者、疑似感染者、與疑似感染者密切接觸者、家庭中成員或同住室友中有“自主健康管理”、“居家檢疫”、“居家隔離”者。
建議:(一)在家工作(或異地辦公)、落實“自主健康管理”,並請與家中長輩及有慢性病的家人保持安全距離;(二)如必要到生醫所工作,請務必戴上醫療用口罩;(三)依實驗室為單位向所方通報(樓層秘書 >>人事)。
2. 通報追蹤:由人事組同仁每日以實驗室為單位,追蹤以上案例。
3. 公儀、病理、樓層公共儀器: (一)使用公共儀器、進出公儀與病理核心請戴上口罩;(二)操作使用公共儀器前後,請務必遵從指示,做好儀器設備與環境的清潔與消毒、特別是手會碰觸的地方。
4. 門禁管制:(一)一律刷卡進出;(二)停止場地外借;(三)退休人員到生醫所前,請填報 TOCC。
5. 訪客:必須確認訪問對象,並由警衛與受訪者確認訪客身份;進入生醫所一律戴口罩,並填寫“健康關懷表”。
6. 送貨:一律在生醫所大廳取貨、特別需求採個案申請。
7. 本所24小時緊急聯絡通報專線:02-2789-9000
8. 以上措施即日起實施2週(至2020-04-05),視疫情狀況再做調整。
Dear IBMS colleagues:
In response to the recent Covid-19 outbreak at Academia Sinica, we have strengthened access control and routinely cleaned public areas. Please do not worry. In addition, to protect our colleagues and create a safe working environment, please cooperate with the following emergency measures.
1. IBMS colleagues: Please report to your secretary if you are in the following list: (A) with travel history and back to Taiwan after 2020-03-08; (B) with suspected infection; (C) close contact with anyone who has suspected infection; (D) living with a person under the “autonomous health management”, “home quarantine”, or “home isolation”. We suggest (1) work at home or at an off-site office; (2) please wear a medical mask, if work at IBMS is needed; (3) notify to your secretary and the IBMS personnel staff.
2. Notification tracking: IBMS personnel staff will follow the above cases daily.
3. Core facilities and public instruments: (1) Please wear a medical mask to use any public instrument and to enter IBMS core facilities; (2) Please follow the instructions to clean and sterilize the instruments and surrounding environment before and after the usage.
4. Access control: (1) All must swipe your IBMS ID (or a valid temporary ID) card to enter IBMS; (2) Facility rental service are temporally suspended; (3) Retired staff needs to report the TOCC before entering IBMS.
5. Visitors: Visitors are by invitation only. The security guard will call the contact person to confirm the visitor identification. All visitors must wear a medical mask before entering IBMS.
6. Goods delivery: All salesmen and deliverymen are not allowed to enter IBMS. Please pick up your ordered goods at the IBMS front gate. If needed, we will consider special arrangements based on individual case application.
7. 24-h emergency call: 02-2789-9000
8. The above emergency measures will be effective from 2020-03-23 to 2020-04-05. We will make necessary adjustments based on the status of the Covid-19 pandemic.