當您樣品8個以上您就可以使用八連排管子送樣,必須8個為一排,中間不可以有空格或任意剪開,如最後不滿8的倍數請自行將最後的空管剪掉,必須在管子上標示您的順序告知#1和#8的方向,如有24個樣品請標示#1#8#9#16#17#24的位置即可,想要詳細標示1-24的也可以,最後請貼標籤標示清楚您的訂單編號和姓名,即可放置在冰箱內八連排專屬的架子上。如果樣品接近96個,歡迎使用96孔盤,順序請由A1~H1 ....A12-H12,8個為一排放置好,並用封膜封住(禁止使用熱壓封膜),中間也請勿有任何空格,最後請貼標籤標示清楚您的訂單編號和姓名,直接放置在冰箱內。
如貴實驗室不在乎自己的定序結果可以供同實驗室同仁下載,貴實驗室可以使用同一個帳號申請定序,不過如遇上定序樣品置放等等有問題時,本實驗室會不知道該找哪一位同仁? 此時建議您在備註欄位上寫上送樣人的名字。
Samples delivered before 10:00 AM on weekdays will receive sequencing results by 9:00 AM on the next business day (or by 5:00 PM on the same day for urgent requests). Samples delivered before 3:30 PM will receive results by noon on the following business day. If there is a high volume of samples, the result retrieval time will be extended. Only samples delivered before 10:00 AM on the day before holidays will receive results by 9:00 AM on the next business day (or by 5:00 PM on the same day for urgent requests). The service will be suspended in case of office closure or national holidays announced by the personnel administration office.
If your samples are more than 8,you may use 8-strip tubes to hold the samples, empty well in the middle is not allowed. please lable the order #1 to #8 on the tube, requestition number and your name is required on the tape lable. If your samples are more than 48,you may use 96-well plate to hold the samples, empty well in the middle is not allowed. Please seal carefully, the order must start from A01 to H01 for a row. Requestition number and your name is required on the tape lable.
If you have the questions about sequencing results, please provide the following information while you contact us: (1)your name(2)requestation no.(3)date of submission(4)your question or your data so that we can quickly help you th solve the problem.
If there is any information wrong on the request form, you may correct it by handwriting directly, after we recive it, we may correct thar on line for you. You may also contact us (2652-3924) to correct it on line directly .
If you wold like to cancel the requestion, please dial 2652-3924,we may cancel it for you.
If you make a requestion then the samples are no show in 3 working days,we'll cancel your requestion automaticly . Our business hour is Monday to Friday am8:00 to pm 4:50.
If the printer is out of order in your lab, no printing request form is generated, you may come to our lab in N719 of Biomedical science Institute with the samples, we could print it for you, and our business hour is Monday to Friday am8:00 to pm 4:50. If you come to the core facility out of bussiness hour, you may leave an A4 size message into our mailbox, we'll help you to print out when we recive it. To protect the envirement, we suggest to use the recyled paper to print out the request form.
To print out the DNA sequencing request form, please use A4 paper unified , vertical print. into a mailbox way : the back -up paper , with the text of that side towards the front of the left ( there are marked above method mailbox ) . So we can come up with all the neat application form, in the same direction . If your application through a single curl , or fold , we are very difficult to sort out these requisitions . In addition, the laboratory staff will comply with your request form to plan the experiment, and will be bound the request forms into a book , if you do not comply,do the horizontal print , or narrow print , paper size is wrong, we will be very troubled , so please to comply with our rules .
Yes, you may.But everyone who can use this account will read and download the data you should notice that. Also when you make a requestion, please mark your name on the requestion form in order we have to contact you. We strongly suggest that each one create your own account.
Please filling with your real name (no nick name ),telephone no. of Lab (no cell phone no.),e-mail better be sicica.edu or shcool mail or @gmail.com. After uploading the sequencing data, we'll inform you via e-mail.