流式細胞儀設施 Flow Cytometry

公告事項詳情 Announcement Detail

流式細胞分析儀LSRII 561nm雷射故障公告
The LSRII 561nm Laser Failure Announcement

流式細胞分析儀LSRII 561nm雷射自2022.09.26起因功率耗損已無法正常使用,目前設施尚在進行雷射採購相關事宜,預計修復時間將另行公告。請使用者於這段期間避免使用561nm雷射所激發的螢光種類或轉移實驗至Thermo Attune NxT或Attune CytPix機台使用。LSRII其他4支雷射可正常使用。造成不便,敬請見諒。


The 561nm-laser of the LSRII 17color-flow analyzer has occurred failure since Sep 26, 2022.  The new laser purchase is under way and we will re-announce the replacement date.  The other 4 lasers on the LSRII analyzer still work normally.  We recommend that the use of fluorochromes with 561nm excitation should be prevented on the LSRII analyzer until the 561nm laser replacement or transferred to the Attune system which are equipped 561nm lasers.  We apologized for any inconveniences.  Please feel free to contact the core technician Ms. Tai at 02-2652-3927 if you still have any questions.
