Dr. Tarn, Woan-Yuh 's publons link picture

Dr. Tarn, Woan-Yuh

Distinguished Research Fellow
  • 02-27899015 (Lab) (Room No: N223)
  • 02-26523052
  • 02-27829142 (Fax)



  1. long non-coding RNA in DNA damage repair
  2. mRNA translation in immune surveillance
  3. alternative splicing in brain development

Education and Positions:
  • Ph.D. National Tsing Hua University
    Postdoc Assoc. Yale University

Highlight Detail

Co-phase separation of Y14 and RNA in vitro and its implication for DNA repair

Dr. Tarn, Woan-Yuh
RNA, Mar 31, 2023




The multifunctional RNA recognition motif-containing protein Y14/RBM8A participates in mRNA metabolism and is essential for efficient repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Y14 contains highly charged, low-complexity sequences in both the N- and C-terminal domains. The feature of charge segregation suggests that Y14 may undergo liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS). Recombinant Y14 formed phase-separated droplets, which were sensitive to pH and salt concentration. Domain mapping suggested that LLPS of Y14 involves multivalent electrostatic interactions and is partly determined by the net charge of its low-complexity regions. Phospho-mimicry of the C-terminal arginine-serine dipeptides of Y14 suppressed phase separation. Moreover, RNA could phase separate into Y14 droplets and modulate Y14 LLPS in a concentration-dependent manner. Finally, the capacity of Y14 in LLPS and coacervation with RNA in vitro correlated with its activity in DSB repair. These results reveal a molecular rule for LLPS of Y14 in vitro and an implication for its co-condensation with RNA in genome stability.