
IgG anti-PEG antibodies
  Price (US$ per 500 µg antibody)
Antibody Product Number 0.5-10 mg 10-40 mg 40-100 mg 100+ mg
E11 E11-PABG-A $550 $430 $310 inquire
3.3 3.3-PABG-A $720 $550 $410 "
6.3 6.3-PABG-A $770 $590 $440 "
15-2b 15-2b-PABG-A $770 $590 $440 "
r33G r33G-PABG-A $770 $590 $440 "

(Minimum order 500 µg)

IgM anti-PEG antibodies
  Price (US$ per 500 µg antibody)
Antibody Product Number 0.5-10 mg 10-40 mg 40-100 mg 100+ mg
AGP3 AGP3-PABM-A $550 $430 $310 inquire
AGP4 AGP4-PABM-A $950 $720 $520 "
rAGP6 rAGP6-PABM-A $950 $720 $520 "

(Minimum order 500 µg)

Biotin-labeled antibodies
  Price (US$ per 200 µg antibody)
Antibody Product Number 0.2-4 mg 4-10 mg 10-40 mg 40+ mg
3.3-biotin 3.3-PABG-B $500 $390 $290 inquire
6.3-biotin 6.3-PABG-B $500 $390 $290 "
r33G-biotin r33G-PABG-B $500 $390 $290 "
15-2b-biotin 15-2b-PABG-B $500 $390 $290 "
AGP3-biotin AGP3-PABM-B $350 $275 $200 "
AGP4-biotin AGP4-PABM-B $500 $390 $290 "
rAGP6-biotin rAGP6-PABM-B $500 $390 $290 "

(Minimum order 200 µg)

Anti-PEG combo kits
Kit Product Number Contents (100 µg of each antibody) Price (US$)
IgG PEG-combo-IgG E11, 3.3, 6.3, r33G and 15-2b $680
IgM PEG-combo-IgM AGP3, AGP4 and rAGP6 $460
IgG-biotin IgG-combo-biotin
3.3-biotin, 6.3-biotin, r33G-biotin and 15-2b-biotin
IgM-biotin IgM-combo-biotin AGP3-biotin, AGP4-biotin and rAGP6-biotin $700

Human anti-PEG standards
Antibody Product Number < 1 mg 1 mg - 4 mg > 4 mg
c3.3-IgG cHu3.3-IgG $770 / 50 µg $600 / 50 µg $420 / 50 µg
cAGP4-IgM cHu-AGP-IgM $770 / 50 µg $600 / 50 µg $420 / 50 µg
Hu-6.3 IgG Hu-6.3-IgG $1250 / 50 µg $1000 / 50 µg $750 / 50 µg
Hu-6.3 IgE Hu-6.3-IgE $1500 / 50 µg $1200 / 50 µg $900 / 50 µg

(Minimum order 50 µg)

Human anti-PEG subclass kits
Antibody Product Number Contents (15 µg each antibody) Price
c3.3-IgG subclass kit cHu-3.3-IgG-subclass c3.3-IgG1, c3.3-IgG2, c3.3-IgG3 and c3.3-IgG4 (4 vials/set) $1100
cHu-IgG/M subclass kit cHu-IgG/M subclass c3.3-IgG1, c3.3-IgG2, c3.3-IgG3, c3.3-IgG4, and cAGP4-IgM (5 vials/set) $1370

Human anti-PEG subclass standards
Antibody Product Number < 1 mg 1 mg - 4 mg > 4 mg
c3.3-IgG2 cHu3.3-IgG2 $600 / 50 µg $470 / 50 µg $330 / 50 µg
c3.3-IgG3 cHu3.3-IgG3 $600 / 50 µg $470 / 50 µg $330 / 50 µg
c3.3-IgG4 cHu3.3-IgG4 $600 / 50 µg $470 / 50 µg $330 / 50 µg

(Minimum order 50 µg)

More information

More information on ordering, pricing, protocols and previous studies with anti-PEG antibodies