Dr. Chen, Yuan-Tsong

Corresponding Research Fellow
Academician, Academia Sinica
  • 02-27899081 (Lab) (Room No: N807)
  • 02-27899085 (Fax)

  • Human Genetics
  • Genomic Medicine

Education and Positions:
  • M.D., Ph.D. Columbia University

Our research interests are in translational research. We aim at translating the promise of genomic medicine into clinical reality.


Current research projects:


1). Identification of novel genes/targets associated with adverse drug reactions and some common multi-factorial diseases such as type II diabetes mellitus, bipolar disorder and Kawasaki disease.


2). Genetics and molecular mechanisms of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a life-threatening cutaneous adverse drug reaction. We are investigating how the specific HLA allele and the T cell receptor mediating the cell toxicity in causing disseminated keratinocyte death.


3). Improved therapy for Pompe disease, a debilitating, progressive and often fatal myopathy. The enzyme replacement therapy for Pompe disease has dramatically improved the outcome of the disease; however, limitations of the therapy such as neutralizing antibody and variable skeletal response remain a challenge. We are continuing to explore various strategies to improve the therapies. 

Our Team
Team photo

Journal 273 Book 33

  1. Takeuchi Fumihiko et al. (95 co-authors) Interethnic analyses of blood pressure loci in populations of East Asian and European descent. Nature Communications 9, 5052 (2018-11) [JCR] [WOS]
  2. Kishnani P and (Chen YT) Glycogen storage diseases and other inherited disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine Part 12, Section 5, #412 (2018-08-29) [JCR] [WOS]
  3. Phillips EJ, Sukasem C, Whirl-Carrillo M, Müller DJ, Dunnenberger HM, Chantratita W, Goldspiel B, (Chen YT), Carleton BC, George Jr. AL, Mushiroda T, Klein T, Gammal RS, Pirmohamed M Clinical pharmacogenetics implementation consortium guideline for HLA genotype and use of carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 103(4), 574-581 (2018-04) [JCR] [WOS]
  4. Chen SP, Fuh JL, Chung MY, Lin YC, Liao YC, Wang YF, Hsu CL, Yang UC, Lin MW, Chiou JJ, Wang PJ, Chen PK, Fan PC, Wu JY, (Chen YT), Kao LS, Fann CSJ, Wang SJ Genome-wide assocation study identifies novel susceptibility loci for migraine in Han Chinese resided in Taiwan. CEPHALALGIA 38(3), 466-475 (2018-03) [JCR] [WOS]
  5. Kubo K, Ohara M, Tachikawa M, Cavallari LH, Lee MTM, Wen MS, Scordo MG, Nutescue EA, Perera MA, Miyajima A, Kaneko N, Pengo V, Padrini R, (Chen YT), Takahashi H Population differences in S-warfarin pharmacokinetics among African Americans, Asians and whites: their influence on pharmacogenetic dosing algorithms. PHARMACOGENOMICS JOURNAL 17(6), 494-500 (2017-12) [JCR] [WOS]
  6. Lee TH, Ko TM, Chen CH, Chang YJ, Lu LS, Chang CH, Huang KL, Chang TY, Lee JD, Chang KC, Yang JT, Wen MS, Wang CY, Chen YT, Chen TC, Chou SY, Lee MTM, (Chen YT)* and Wu JY* A genome-wide association study links small-vessel ischemic stroke to autophagy. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9, 15229 (2017-11) [JCR] [WOS]
  7. Chiang HL, Wu JY, (Chen YT)* Identification of functional single nucleotide polymorphisms in the branchpoint site. HUMAN GENOMICS 11, 27 (2017-11) [JCR] [WOS]
  8. Chang CJ, Chen CH, Chen BM, Su YC, Chen YT, Hershfield MS, Lee MTM, Cheng TL, (Chen YT)*, Roffler SR*,and Wu JY* A genome-wide association study identifies a novel susceptibility locus for the immunogenicity of polyethylene glycol. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 522 (2017-09) [JCR] [WOS]
  9. Shen LF, Chen YJ, Liu KM, Saleem Haddad AN, Song IW, Roan HY, Chen LY, Yen JJY, Chen YJ, Wu JY, (Chen YT)*. Role of S-palmitoylation by ZDHHC13 in mitochondrial function and metabolism in liver. Scientific Reports 7(1), 2182 (2017-05-19) [JCR] [WOS]
  10. Spracklen CN et al. (114 co-authors) Association analyses of East Asian individuals and trans-ancestry analyses with European individuals reveal new loci associated with cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Human Molecular Genetics 26(9), 1770-1784 (2017-05-01) [JCR] [WOS]